Last Updated October 2022

Splash Point (Rhyl)
Splash Point is a popular fishing mark located on the east side of Rhyl. It oofers nice comfortable fishing from the prom over the HW period but can also be fished over the LW period off the beach.
If fishing from LW you'll be kept busy as the once the flood tide picks up it will chase you up the very flat beach!

Splash Point looking west towards Rhyl

Pensarn & Abergele

A flat sandy beach with a steep shingle bank at the high water. A great mark over HW as you can park on top of the shingle bank and almost fish from the car. Low water requires a fairly long walk and the beach has many gulleys which can fill behind you
as the tide begins to flood. Be aware of this.


Llandudno offers three marks all very close together:
North Shore
With a steepish shingle bank at the high water which gives way to cleaner sandy ground towards LW. It's traditional beach fishing which offers a wide range of species.
Gives access to deeper water and offers a wide range of species. Although it offers a comfortable platform to fish from space is limited. Take a drop net if targeting husss, conger or hounds.
The Wall
Another comfortable mark which is quite well sheltered from all but easterly winds. Even then it's height above the water means it's still a safe spot. Only downside the ground your fishing onto is pretty rough.

View from The Wall

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